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Our attorneys at Hackstaff, Snow, Atkinson & Griess, LLC know that Colorado corporate governance sets an organization‘s tone. It identifies the use of power and decision–making in the company. For decades, corporate governance has focused on its shareholders, regulation of its directors and executive team, accounting, tracking operational activities, and other duties.   In 2010, the International Finance Corporation (“IFC“) described corporate governance as the framework and methods used to […]

How To Start a Charitable Trust in Colorado

Charitable trusts are beneficial not just because they allow you to make generous contributions to charity but also because they give you and your heirs a substantial tax break. With a charitable trust, you can help a cause you or your family members feel impassioned about and receive tax relief in the process.   As generous or as […]

In a recent Colorado case involving a debt collection agency that stored customer service information in a password protected web database, the Colorado Court of Appeals upheld the enforcement of claims for misappropriation of trade secrets and breach of a nonsolicitation agreement against a independent sales agent who left to work for a competitor.  The […]

When most people think of charity and fundraising, they think of public efforts such as a GoFundMe to account for a tragic loss of a loved one or a car wash for the high school volleyball team. They may also think of public entities like the Make-A-Wish Foundation and The Susan G. Komen Foundation. However, charitable giving can also be […]

Most often the value of legal services is expressed in terms of avoiding risks and loss, which is very true. This line of reasoning focuses on how a small business is able to keep the revenues it generates, keep its assets, protect its assets and resources, and similar issues. Beyond avoiding risks or losses, it […]

Estate Planning Unplanned Inheritance When an owner dies, without specific planning, their business interest becomes a part of their estate. Without a will or directive, the assets in the estate will be transferred in probate according to state law. This transfer could also result in tax consequences depending on the value of the estate.  As […]

Man holding a tablet with a data dashboard on it

Your company‘s intellectual property (IP) rights are among its most valuable business assets. When properly obtained, managed, and enforced, they have immense value and protect the company’s commercial power. Every business should periodically conduct an IP audit to ascertain their rights, the extent of protection they are entitled to, and the value of the company’s IP assets. Informed business decisions require an in-depth understanding of the […]

Photo of people at a white board discussing business ideas

You started the new year with a big idea for your company; maybe you even have more than one. You‘re excited to hit the ground running with it. Still, before you do, it‘s time to consider what types of protections your intellectual property might require. Not securing the appropriate protections jeopardizes your big idea‘s value and impact on your […]

A Simple LLC Mistake That Creates Nightmares

Limited liability companies (LLC) are deceptively easy to form and use. One of the realities of an LLC is that it is a structure under state law, while it can be taxed many different ways under federal law. This is part of its appeal, and a part of its deceptive complexity. Without some careful planning […]

Working From Home: Office Policies for 2021

A new year is fast-approaching, bringing new beginnings, fresh starts, and changes. If your business hasn’t updated its employee handbook recently, it’s time to make some changes. While many portions of an employee handbook will fundamentally remain the same, others need updating as time progresses. Cultures change, as do technologies and laws. Your handbook should be […]